Rank in
Rank in
Accounts for resorts' snow quantity, moisture content, latitude, elevation, and slope aspects.
Eaglecrest Ski Area is ranked No. 28 in North America for its total snowfall during an average season.
% of days with more than 6" of snow
15.0%% of months with more than 90" of snow
24.0%% of months with less than 30" of snow
12.0%Eaglecrest Ski Area is ranked No. 28 in North America for its total snowfall during an average season.
Accounts for resorts' snow quantity, moisture content, latitude, elevation, and slope aspects.
This score accounts for total snow quantity, its moisture content, the resort's latitude, elevation, and its slope aspects, which affect total snow preservation.
Eaglecrest Ski Area has no detail snow data, but is located in the extremely stormy climate of the Alaska Panhandle. Eaglecrest is at 1,200 - 2,600 foot elevation on Douglas Island near Juneau, and thus likely receives considerable rain along with its abundant snow. This is a minor issue for the locals, who can sit out the wet weather and wait to ski the next week’s dump. It does, however, make planning a big trip involving air travel here more of a gamble. Most non-local visitors are likely on the way to the heliskiing based in nearby Haines.
Accumulation and PreservationEarly season accumulation should be far above average. In the absence of rain, snow preservation should be good into March at the 58 degree latitude.