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Best Time For Snow At Wolf Creek
Snow quality compared w/ all North America
Accounts for resorts' snow quantity, moisture content, latitude, elevation, and slope aspects.
Wolf Creek Ski Resort is ranked No. 21 in North America for its total snowfall during an average season.
% of days with more than 6" of snow
14.9%% of months with more than 90" of snow
27.1%% of months with less than 30" of snow
18.6%Wolf Creek Ski Resort is ranked No. 21 in North America for its total snowfall during an average season.
Accounts for resorts' snow quantity, moisture content, latitude, elevation, and slope aspects.
This score accounts for total snow quantity, its moisture content, the resort's latitude, elevation, and its slope aspects, which affect total snow preservation.
Wolf Creek has a unique microclimate that funnels storms into the area from the south and west. Thus its 16.7% of winter days with 6 inches or more of snow and 27% of winter months with 90 inches or more are the best in Colorado. However northern storms are often blocked out, so 19% of winter months see less than 30 inches. With its remote location and propensity to large dumps of low density snow, Wolf Creek is the one of the premier areas for powder skiing in North America.
Accumulation and PreservationWolf Creek’s base elevation is 10,600 feet, so it can accumulate snow earlier in the season than most resorts. Wolf Creek opens by Halloween in perhaps ¼ of seasons and averages a 37 inch base at Thanksgiving. However in the most extreme “northern track” seasons (about 10%) Wolf Creek can still be nearly bare of snow at Christmas. With the very high altitude and mainly north exposure, late season snow preservation is outstanding. Overall snow reliability is among the “elite six” of the Rocky Mountain states.