Alpine Meadows Lodging Map | M |
Alpine Meadows Snow Totals | |
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Best Time For Snow At Alpine Meadows
Snow quality compared w/ all North America
Accounts for resorts' snow quantity, moisture content, latitude, elevation, and slope aspects.
Alpine Meadows is ranked No. 44 in North America for its total snowfall during an average season.
% of days with more than 6" of snow
15.9%% of months with more than 90" of snow
34.3%% of months with less than 30" of snow
25.0%Alpine Meadows is ranked No. 44 in North America for its total snowfall during an average season.
Accounts for resorts' snow quantity, moisture content, latitude, elevation, and slope aspects.
This score accounts for total snow quantity, its moisture content, the resort's latitude, elevation, and its slope aspects, which affect total snow preservation.
Alpine Meadows has very good snow frequency of 16.8% of winter days with 6 inches or more and 35% of winter months with 90 inches or more, but also endures 24% of winter months with less than 30 inches. Upper elevation snow is similar to next-door Squaw Valley, but overall conditions tend to be more reliable due to a base that is 700 feet higher than Squaw's, closer to the Sierra Crest with less rain. Sierra average snow density of 12% is not the blower of the Rockies but easily managed on modern fat rockered skis.
Accumulation and PreservationWith its less extreme terrain and a higher base vs. Squaw, Alpine Meadows averages about 3/4 open at Christmas. The top third of seasons have a holiday base of 6+ feet with full operation, while Alpine is less than half open in the worst third of holiday seasons. In the worst 15% it is less than 1/4 open. Alpine skis very well on most spring days. Almost half the area faces north, and it's easy to follow the sun around the range of other exposures. Traditionally Alpine was the latest operating Tahoe area, often running to Memorial Day. Under Squaw's ownership May operation is usually limited to Squaw's upper terrain.