June Mountain Lodging Map | M |
June Mountain Snow Totals | |
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Best Time For Snow At June Mountain
Snow quality compared w/ all North America
Accounts for resorts' snow quantity, moisture content, latitude, elevation, and slope aspects.
June Mountain is ranked No. 117 in North America for its total snowfall during an average season.
% of days with more than 6" of snow
11.2%% of months with more than 90" of snow
14.4%% of months with less than 30" of snow
38.5%June Mountain is ranked No. 117 in North America for its total snowfall during an average season.
Accounts for resorts' snow quantity, moisture content, latitude, elevation, and slope aspects.
This score accounts for total snow quantity, its moisture content, the resort's latitude, elevation, and its slope aspects, which affect total snow preservation.
June Mt has average snow frequency of 11.9% of winter days with 6 inches or more and 14% of winter months with 90 inches or more, but suffers 35% of winter months with less than 30 inches. June is attractive for powder on bad weather days when Mammoth's upper lifts are closed and also sees far less competition for fresh tracks.
Accumulation and PreservationIt takes high snowfall for June Mt. to reach full operation by Christmas, because its steepest terrain is at low altitude. California droughts can be extreme, so even the snowiest areas are less than ¼ open at Christmas in the worst 15% of seasons. June Mt. is mostly north facing and tops out at 10,100 feet so its snow preservation is very good. June Mt. is usually best skied in February and March.